Playr: yet another HTML5 <video> player

Julien 'delphiki' Villetorte
< gdelphiki[at]gmail[dot]com >

Compatibility & Features

All major browsers.


Available on GitHub.

Notes on local testing

Some browsers disable XMLHttpRequest on local files by default.


Just add the class name "playr_video" to your video tag:
<video src="myVideo.ext" class="playr_video">
	<track kind="subtitles" srclang="en" src="" /> // optional

WebVTT implementation

Working features: Note on cue timestamps:
00:00:17,556 --> 00:00:20,631
Can you hear it?
<00:00:18,556>The noise, <00:00:19,600>the drumbeat?

::cue:past & ::cue:future are remplaced with the CSS classes playr_cue_past & playr_cue_future.
They're not defined by default. Customize them as you wish.



WebVTT subtitles file: download
WebVTT chapters file: download